Blog > Exercise & Workout Tips

Plan a Family Activity CalendarPlan a Family Activity Calendar


Plan a Family Activity Calendar

Health experts recommend that children and adolescents get at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. Adults should aim for at least 35 minutes of moderate-intensity activity daily for weight loss. Instead of exercising alone, create a family activity calendar.

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Easy Ways to Walk MoreEasy Ways to Walk More


Easy Ways to Walk More

Walking remains one of the most accessible and effective forms of physical activity for many people. Not only does it burn calories and improve heart health, research has shown that it can improve your mood and reduce tension. Use these ideas to find easy ways to walk more.

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4 Stretches for a Healthier Back4 Stretches for a Healthier Back


Stretches for a Healthier Back

Cat stretch

Muscle tension and tightness can contribute to back pain, making core flexibility an important factor in keeping your back healthy and pain free. Stretches that gently elongate the back muscles should be a regular part of your core strengthening routine. Ease into these stretches, and hold each for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat two to three times.

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5 Ways to Stay Focused on Your Fitness Goals5 Ways to Stay Focused on Your Fitness Goals


Stay Focused on Your Fitness Goals

Starting a new fitness routine is exciting. Your goals are clearly set, and motivation is at its peak. However, as time goes by, it's common to lose focus and drift away from the initial objectives. To combat this, here are five practical tips to keep you on track with your fitness goals.

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5 Types of Squat Exercises5 Types of Squat Exercises


5 Types of Squat Exercises

The squat is a classic lower body exercise known for working the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes. A squat can be incorporated into any exercise routine. You can perform them without weight, on exercise machines, with dumbbells, or with a barbell.

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Exercise Gear to Improve Your Workout and RecoveryExercise Gear to Improve Your Workout and Recovery


Exercise Gear to Improve Your Workout and Recovery

While exercise equipment is not required for a great workout, some fitness tools can aid in your recovery and help make your exercise sessions more challenging. Here is a list of inexpensive exercise equipment that can take your workout or recovery to the next level.

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Minor Changes that Improve FitnessMinor Changes that Improve Fitness


Minor Changes that Improve Fitness

You don't have to drastically change your exercise routine to get results. Often, small changes to your current routine are all you need to accomplish your goals. Whether you are just getting started or feel like you are in a rut with your current program, try these minor changes that improve fitness.

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Benefits of Body Weight TrainingBenefits of Body Weight Training


Benefits of Body Weight Training

Strength training with body weight exercises, like squats, lunges, and push-ups, is regaining popularity due to its effectiveness and minimal need for equipment. Here are a few reasons body weight training may be a good fit for you.

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