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Plan a Family Activity CalendarPlan a Family Activity Calendar


Plan a Family Activity Calendar

Health experts recommend that children and adolescents get at least 60 minutes of physical activity daily. Adults should aim for at least 35 minutes of moderate-intensity activity daily for weight loss. Instead of exercising alone, create a family activity calendar.

Make it big and bold.

Create your calendar on a dry-erase board or poster board, and place it in a prominent place in the house. For each day, list the activity you will do as a family. Making the calendar visible to everyone will help the family prioritize exercise.

Allow everyone to choose activities.

Give everyone in the family a chance to add his or her favorite activities to the calendar. When everyone is invested in the process, the willingness to participate increases. Every month, encourage each family member to come up with at least one new activity. The more variety, the more excited the family will be about being active.

Think outside the box.

Your active time does not have to be reserved for structured exercise like walks or bike rides. Dance competitions, scavenger hunts, and backyard circuit workouts will increase your heart rate, and you’ll be surprised how quickly an hour will fly by. Take advantage of local trails with a nature hike, sign up for a 5K as a family, or create games for the pool. Grab the soccer ball or basketball and head to the park for a family game. The goal is to make exercise fun for everyone.

Include rewards.

Sticking to an activity schedule is an accomplishment that should be celebrated and rewarded. An afternoon movie, a healthy cooking class for kids, new books, puzzles, educational games, and new sports gear are all rewards that support a balanced, healthy lifestyle.


Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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