Blog > Healthy Lifestyle Tips

The Healthy Kitchen TestThe Healthy Kitchen Test


Woman chopping vegetables in a kitchen

A healthy diet starts in the kitchen. By having a fridge and pantry stocked with fresh ingredients and nutritious snacks, you can better control the foods you eat. A healthy kitchen also requires proper food handling and storage to keep you and your family safe. Take the following test to see if you have a healthy kitchen!

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Tips for Shopping at the Farmers MarketTips for Shopping at the Farmers Market


Tips for Shopping at the Farmers Market

The farmers market is one of the best resources for healthy foods, but a visit can be overwhelming if you are new to the scene. Here are a few tips to help you find great food and get the best deals.

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What Is High Blood Pressure?What Is High Blood Pressure?


What Is High Blood Pressure?

When the heart pumps blood, it produces pressure against the artery walls. We call this blood pressure. When this pressure gets too high and stays high (hypertension), it damages the body and can lead to heart disease, stroke, and kidney failure.

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How to Reduce Work StressHow to Reduce Work Stress


reduce work stress

Everyone experiences some stress at work, whether it comes from a deadline, meeting a quota, or as a result of difficult coworkers. Problems arise when this stress becomes too much to manage and begins to influence long-term health. According to the Stress in America Survey from the American Psychological Association, 65 percent of Americans say work is a top source of stress.

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5 Things That Can Disrupt Your Sleep5 Things That Can Disrupt Your Sleep


Things That Can Disrupt Your Sleep

Researchers increasingly recognize the importance of a good night's sleep in helping us achieve our fitness and wellness goals. Watch out for these five things that can prevent a restful night's sleep.

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6 Ways to Renew Your Motivation6 Ways to Renew Your Motivation


Renew Your Motivation

Motivation can fluctuate as you work towards your goals. The same things that motivated you in the beginning may no longer spark your interest. If your excitement for exercise and healthy eating is dwindling, it's time to find a new source of motivation.

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6 Steps to Starting an Exercise Program6 Steps to Starting an Exercise Program


Line of people doing push-ups

Exercise doesn't have to be overwhelming. If you are struggling to get started, there are some simple steps you can take to ease your way into a routine. Use the guide below, and you will be on your way to reaching your fitness goals!

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4 Ways Alcohol Prevents Weight Loss4 Ways Alcohol Prevents Weight Loss


Variety of glassware containing alcohol

A few years ago, the consensus in the scientific community was that small amounts of alcohol provided health benefits. This conclusion was largely based on studies showing life expectancy increased with low alcohol intake. However, recent analysis discovered a significant flaw in the underlying research: people who quit drinking due to poor health were lumped into the "non-drinker" category. When you include this group (nicknamed "sick quitters") into the "drinker" category, the health benefits of alcohol disappear. In fact, researchers found there is no level of alcohol consumption without a measurable negative impact on health1.

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