Blog > Weight Loss & Dieting Tips

Tips for Setting Health GoalsTips for Setting Health Goals


Tips for Setting Health Goals

Goals are important to adopting a healthier lifestyle because they help us measure progress. You can stay motivated and set achievable goals by breaking down your goals into manageable steps.

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Ways to Stay MotivatedWays to Stay Motivated


Ways to Stay Motivated

Motivation fuels your desire to make the small changes necessary to reach your long-term goals. The source of your motivation may change, and at times, it can feel like it's disappeared completely. When you hit a low point, finding ways to stay motivated is important.

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Healthy Ways to Prepare for a Holiday MealHealthy Ways to Prepare for a Holiday Meal


Healthy Ways to Prepare for a Holiday Meal

Commit to a morning workout

There is no reason to miss out on holiday meals. Your eating and exercise patterns leading up to a big celebration can allow you to enjoy special foods and drinks without ruining your fitness plan.

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10 Easy Ways to Get Healthy10 Easy Ways to Get Healthy


Easy Ways to Get Healthy

Living a healthier lifestyle isn't always the result of drastic changes. Often, the small changes we make to daily habits have the biggest impact on our health. Here are ten small changes you can make that will improve your health.

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Ways to Avoid OvereatingWays to Avoid Overeating


Ways to avoid overeating

Take advantage of what you can control.

During the holidays, we are constantly offered unhealthy meals and high-calorie desserts. Healthy eating may seem impossible, but you have more control than you think. When you have parties to attend, take special care to eat healthily before and after those events. Meals should be low-calorie and loaded with fruits, vegetables, and lean protein. Limit snacking, and choose a healthy breakfast, like an apple cinnamon avocado smoothie, instead of a pastry on the days you have social events. Taking control of the times you are not celebrating can help you avoid holiday weight gain.

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Dangers of Using Only Diet or Exercise for Weight LossDangers of Using Only Diet or Exercise for Weight Loss


Dangers of Using Only Diet or Exercise for Weight Loss

Weight loss boils down to creating a calorie deficit. This can be accomplished by eating fewer calories or by burning more calories through physical activity. It's often debated whether changing the diet or increasing exercise is the better method, but research supports that long-term weight loss is best achieved by using a combination of both. If we rely only on dietary changes or increased exercise to lose weight, problems could arise.

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How to Spot a Fad DietHow to Spot a Fad Diet


How to Spot a Fad Diet

Marketers of fad diets try to appeal to your desire for quick-fix weight loss. Unfortunately, these diets are not the answer for long-term health and may do more harm than good. Use these tips to spot and steer clear of fad diets.

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