The Healthy Kitchen TestThe Healthy Kitchen Test


Woman chopping vegetables in a kitchen

A healthy diet starts in the kitchen. By having a fridge and pantry stocked with fresh ingredients and nutritious snacks, you can better control the foods you eat. A healthy kitchen also requires proper food handling and storage to keep you and your family safe. Take the following test to see if you have a healthy kitchen!

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Ways to HydrateWays to Hydrate


Ways to Hydrate

Hydration is essential for almost every bodily function. Allowing yourself to get dehydrated can zap your energy and take your motivation. Use a combination of these foods and drinks to stay hydrated.

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Kale Salad with Honey Ginger Dressing RecipeKale Salad with Honey Ginger Dressing


Kale Salad with Honey Ginger Dressing Recipe

Kale is best known for providing folate and vitamins A, C, and K, but this leafy green also contains protein, fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, and beneficial plant chemicals like lutein that promote healthy vision. While sometimes bitter when eaten alone, you can combine it with other vegetables and a homemade dressing to create a crunchy salad with balanced flavors.

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5 Popular Diet Terms Defined5 Popular Diet Terms Defined


Raw food diet

Raw food diet

A raw food diet is based on the belief that heating food damages valuable nutrients. As a result, the eating plan includes consuming foods that have not been heated above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. The diet is primarily composed of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. Some dehydrated or dried foods also meet the raw food criteria, depending on the dehydration process.

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4 Plank Exercises for a Stronger Core4 Plank Exercises for a Stronger Core


Plank Exercises for a Stronger Core

A plank is an isometric exercise that strengthens and tones the muscles of the abdominals and lower back. It requires no equipment and little space, making it one of the easiest abdominal exercises to squeeze into your day.

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Chocolate Dipped Banana Bites RecipeChocolate Dipped Banana Bites


Chocolate Dipped Banana Bites Recipe

Frozen treats make great desserts in the summer heat, but chocolate-dipped ice cream balls and cheesecake bites can be loaded with calories and saturated fat. These banana bites provide a healthier option with the same delicious flavors as higher-calorie frozen desserts.

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Teaching Children Healthy CookingTeaching Children Healthy Cooking


Teaching Children Healthy Cooking

What are the Benefits of Teaching Children How to Cook?

Cooking healthy foods as a family can improve nutrition while providing quality family time. Cooking with children sparks an interest in healthy foods and can increase the willingness to sit down and share a meal as a family. Preparing food allows children to make a meaningful contribution to the family, which leads to a sense of accomplishment and can build self-confidence. The cooking skills your children develop will last into adulthood, giving them the tools they need to live healthier lifestyles.

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How to Plan for a Better WorkoutHow to Plan for a Better Workout


How to Plan for a Better Workout

Your workout is influenced by more than your time in the gym. When you put in the effort to plan and prepare, you will feel more energized and motivated to challenge yourself and improve your fitness.

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Crunchy Cucumber Salad RecipeCrunchy Cucumber Salad


Crunchy Cucumber Salad Recipe

This summer salad is full of vitamin-rich vegetables. It is dressed in a slightly spiced vinaigrette that goes well with the refreshing cucumber. A few nuts sprinkled on top supply healthy plant protein.

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Benefits of Fermented FoodsBenefits of Fermented Foods


Benefits of Fermented Foods

Sauerkraut is fermented cabbage

Research shows that healthy bacteria in our bodies improve digestion and immunity. We can boost these healthy bacteria by eating foods that contain probiotics, like those found in fermented foods.

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