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Money Saving Tips for Buying ProduceMoney Saving Tips for Buying Produce


Money Saving Tips for Buying Produce

Explore your options

If you have more than one farmers market in your area, shop around. Many vendors price foods differently based on the clientele, and one market might be more affordable than another. Also, check out foods that are farm direct through local farm stands and u-pick farms. Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is another option for fresh foods that might be a better fit for your budget.

Shop the farmers market late

You can sometimes secure special food discounts at the farmers market just before closing. The selection may be limited, but vendors would rather sell fresh foods than haul them back to the farm. Don’t be afraid to make an offer on plentiful fruits and vegetables just before market closing time.

Stock up during the height of the season

Prices on seasonal foods tend to drop when the food is most plentiful. For example, peaches may seem expensive early in the summer, but soon sellers will have an abundance, and prices often drop. Take advantage of this time, and stock up on fruits and vegetables that freeze well for later use.

Buy only what you’ll use

When you find a good deal on seasonal produce, getting carried away and buying more than you need is easy. You may forget about busy nights at the ball field or weekend road trips that will keep you away from your kitchen.

Make simple foods at home

Summer foods that best highlight seasonal produce are often very simple to make. Kale salads , chicken salad in lettuce wraps, and lunch kabobs are easy recipes that are perfect for warmer weather. Save money by making these foods at home instead of buying pre-made versions at the store.

Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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