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4 Stretches for a Healthier Back4 Stretches for a Healthier Back


Stretches for a Healthier Back

Cat stretch

Muscle tension and tightness can contribute to back pain, making core flexibility an important factor in keeping your back healthy and pain free. Stretches that gently elongate the back muscles should be a regular part of your core strengthening routine. Ease into these stretches, and hold each for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat two to three times.

Cat Stretch

Move onto your hands and knees on the floor. Position your knees to be hip-width apart and your hands about shoulder-width apart. Contract your stomach muscles as you round your back and slightly tuck your chin. Release the stretch and return to a flat back before repeating.

Spine Twist

Sit up straight in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Rotate your upper body to the right, and place your right hand at the edge of the chair where the back meets the seat. Place the left hand on the edge of the seat, just under your right thigh. Sit tall as you rotate at the torso and stretch the back muscles. Slowly return to the starting position, and repeat on the other side by rotating to the left.

Knees to Chest

Lie on your back with your feet flat on the floor. Slowly pull your right knee into your chest. Grasp your leg at the top of your shin and gently pull the knee closer. You can deepen the stretch by extending the opposite leg along the floor as you pull one leg into your chest. Return the right leg to the starting position, and repeat the stretch with your left leg. Next, pull both knees in towards your chest at the same time.

Seated Forward Bend

Sit on the floor with your legs straight out in front of you and your feet flexed. Sit up straight and raise your arms straight up over your head. Gently bend forward at the waist as you reach your arms out towards your feet. Let your hands rest wherever it is comfortable, such as at your knees, shins, ankles, or feet. Reach only as far as you feel a stretch with slight discomfort, not pain. To deepen the stretch, you can grasp the end of a rolled towel or yoga strap in each hand and wrap it around the balls of your feet. Gently pull the towel towards you as you bend forward into the stretch.

Lori Rice, M.S., is a nutritional scientist and author with a passion for healthy cooking, exercise physiology, and food photography.
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